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Intuitive Landscape Painting (Afternoon Series)

Inspired by nature and the landscapes of the Catskill Mountains and the Hudson River Valley, these classes are one part basic painting lesson and one part art therapy. Instructor Laura Leigh creates a calm environment for you to open the door to your inner creative world, while also learning basic painting techniques that work for your individual skill set. In each class she will guide you through a landscape painting (either from an already finished painting, or from life outside (Plein air) step by step while presenting color, composition and drawing techniques that are simple and easy to follow. This is a class in creative confidence, and students will learn new ways of drawing and painting that resonate personally and allow them to open up and express themselves with the paint. You’re not expected to create a masterpiece, you’re expected to be yourself. Supplies provided, acrylic paint is typically used. This class is for beginner/intermediate painters of all ages.


Class Level: ASSISTED. This class will include assistance for students needing support in engagement and participation. This may be assistance from instructors, support staff, or caregivers, or a combination of the above. Assistance is encouraged, and accessibility is a priority. Students should be prepared for diverse abilities, and engagement that is both independent and collaborative with support.


Series Passes

The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
12-Class Series Pass
$ 360.00
25 available
6-Class Series Pass (May 1st - June 5th)
$ 180.00
25 available
6-Class Series Pass (June 12th - July 17th)
$ 180.00
25 available
$ 35.00
15 available

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May 10 @ 4:00 pm
Hudson Valley InterArts