Sekhem Remembrance

Khem Reyall is the director, guide, keeper, and initiator of the Sekhem Remembrance Mystery School. She opened the school in 2020 after receiving a powerful vision from her Spirit Guides about bringing the ancient teachings of truth, harmony, and love to modern times. Khem is committed to providing all the necessary tools and teachings to those who are ready to pursue a path of devotion.

The Sekhem Remembrance Mystery School is a powerful and transformative community for those seeking to reclaim their spiritual wisdom. It provides the tools, guidance, and space necessary to explore and rediscover ancient knowledge. Located on a serene 55-acre property in Patterson, NY, we offer workshops, ceremonies, retreats, and one-on-one services to support your journey.

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We'd love to know a little bit about you so we can serve you and our community better. . .

(no pressure, not required, but it will really help us learn more and serve you better!)

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